Friday, November 1, 2013

Free Writing

      My biggest weakness is writing essays. I am not good at it because I tend to get off topic, sometimes it doesn't make sense, and most of the time it is short. However I personally love free writing because I get to jot anything down, for example, talking about basketball or talking about how I am feeling. Free writing comes in handy because whenever I am mad, feeling down, stressed, frustrated or anything like that I just start writing a plethora of things down that comes to mind. On the other hand free writing benefits myself because I can keep calm and lets me have the freedom to talk about anything I please.


  1. I agree Janice! I really like to free write too. I could probably free write all day long haha, but as soon as it comes to an essay it's like I have absolutely nothing to say! It doesn't make any sense and it is really frustrating. I guess I just have to take everything that I put into free writing and try to put it into an actual essay!

  2. YES! I love free writing now. It is such a stress reliever. I like the fact that you can start with one topic and venture off into talking about something else without being criticized for it. It doesn't have to make sense to other people because it's not a real essay. I wish essays only involved free writing. The more you free write the better your writing will become. It allows you to jump from one topic to the next and then you could probably use one of those topics to talk about for your actual essay like Jacobo said. I like free writing because it is easy and anyone can do it.


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