Friday, November 1, 2013

Group Evaluations.

Can I speak on the fact that I find this whole group evaluation process is pretty much stupid? I find it kind of dumb that we have to write a whole page on what our partner has done. I understand the point that we should evaluate how we split the work and stuff, but a whole page blabbering on about what we've done is stupid as hell. I don't feel the need to write about the work that my partner has done. If we turned in the project completed, I don't think a written statement is needed. I am having so much trouble trying to figure out what to write for this Group Evaluation. To simply write a whole page on him is completely idiotic.

To be completely honest, this whole class is a hot vapid mess. I feel as if we never know what we're completely doing in this class. Fletch will tell us something, then my group will have a discussion and all be so lost on what we are actually trying to learn and pursue. I find it very careless that ever day when I walk into the classroom, there is no sort of agenda on the board. I do not like having no sense of what I am doing. There's never any specific due dates. There's never any sort of consequences for the talking. It's just overall messy. Don't get me wrong, I love this class and what it stands for. I just do not think it is very well executed. Ms. Fletcher is a wonderful teacher, I'm sure of it. But, maybe she's not the teacher for me. Does anybody else think that this class is sort of messy? Or am I the only one bold enough to say something?

1 comment:

  1. Your post is blunt, maybe a little too blunt and I am going to have to defend Mrs. Fletcher not cause I am a teachers pet cause I am probably the opposite of one. The purpose of the group evaluation is to show her how you and your partner put together your project. It is not a random paper describing what your friend did, it is a outline of the way your group collaborated.

    Last year, I had Mrs. Fletcher and I had the exact same problem. I was lost and I wondered why so many things came up without me realizing. The real reason isn't the class or Mrs. Fletcher, it was me. In your case it is the same, the problem is probably you. It is not her job to baby you, elementary school is where teachers write what your task is every ten minutes because they have no focus. Mrs. Fletcher's class is not for the student whose mind wanders. She does in fact tell us exactly what to do but we just never pay attention, myself included. I don't know if she does it on purpose but she is giving us a taste of college. Your professor will not tell you exactly what to do and he will care less if you miss something. That's why I think its time for everyone to stop blaming her and actually come to class as listeners instead of daydreamers who complain about missing things.


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