Friday, November 1, 2013

Striving for Improvement

I never thought English was an important subject to slowly master throughout elementary and middle school, since my interest was captured by math at an early age, which I recognized is universally applicable in the real world every time I apprenticed my dad in any of his construction jobs. I’ve felt confident in my ability to do math throughout my academic experience, but I don’t feel equally secure about my ability to write long essays like I do in math. Simply manifesting any writing exceeding more than one page has been steadily becoming less of a challenge, as I read and write more frequent. I’ve found more motivation throughout my experience in high school and in my preparation for the major I want to pursue in college, because the demand for extensive writing in college is high as I’ve heard by college grads. I’ve put my writing-phobia aside to focus on my academic success. If you’re not confident in one or more subjects it’s never too late to begin improving, because your future depends on it.

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