Sunday, November 3, 2013

AF: Success on TED Radio

This was a great little moment on the radio this morning:  an hour devoted to different ideas about success.  I'm going to go back and listen to the entire show, but this short segment (13:17) by Alain de Botton* is really very good.  Play it in the background while you are doing something else, like folding your laundry.

Why I thought of you:  because you are trying to figure out what your major will be; it feels urgent to you that you figure this out, and soon.  Why?  Because our identities are tied up so closely with our work.  But honestly,  how can someone who is just 17 or 18 years old know who they are or what they will be?  You are just on the cusp.

Don't worry about WHAT you are.  Worry instead about getting a good education.  Become well educated.  Study everything. For most of us, it is mistake to look at college from such a narrow, careerist point of view.  I'm not saying that NO ONE knows what they want to be when they grow up, but I am saying that most don't, and that's fine.

*If you're trying to figure out why this guy sounds familiar...he wrote The Architecture of Happiness, a book that figured prominently in the movie, 500 Days of Summer.

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