Friday, November 1, 2013

Talk to Yourself... Seriously

When I was reading revising with feedback, a chapter from Peter Elbows book Writing with Power I noticed he was talking about getting feedback from all these people and asking their opinion. Literally. I’m not bashing him; every sentence was saying to get feedback from one of your peers. But really, why cant you just talk to your self about your paper I mean really. Ask yourself why you worded that sentence that way and why you used that word instead of the other word. I know it may seem dumb, but I actually did it with my last personal statement I ended up deleting a whole paragraph because I reread it and thought “this makes absolutely no sense” Yes getting feedback from your peers is good and all but they can easily lie to you and say that your paper is the best paper ever because they don’t want you to feel bad. When you can be you own critic on your paper and tell yourself this sounds bad and revise it yourself and make it sound better. Basically to get down to the point I don’t like revising with my peers solely because they can be lying to me to make me feel better about my terrible paper. Go criticize your own paper be harsh make your paper sound amazing. Im not saying to not revise with your peers im just suggesting that it isn’t a bad thing to revise your own paper rather than someone else but it is good to get different view points on your paper. Don’t be afraid to critique your work to improve it.

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