Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"we accept the food we think we deserve..."

While reading Wendell Berry's "The Pleasures of Eating" it made me reevaluate all the bad things I eat, and how I can change my eating behavior. I myself would rather go to McDonalds and spend 3 dollars on a few cheeseburgers instead of going to a place like Chipotle and getting a salad that isn't going to fill me up for 8 dollars. People would rather save a few pennies and get food that doesn't have any real benefits to the bod, instead of spending more and essentially providing your body with the right nutrients it needs. We buy what have been persuaded to want, instead of what we really need just because of the price. Even the "cheap" food isn't what it's worth. We pay what we are charged, instead of standing up against it and trying to fight for the right price. Today in the modern world, a lot of women don't have time to slave in the kitchen for 3 hours to prepare dinner, but does that justify them serving already pre-cooked/pre-packaged food? No. Serving ready stuff is not a healthy substitute. Instead of cooking a whole chicken and hand carving it themselves for the family at a dinner table, they'd rather buy pre-processed boneless chicken breast. In America especially we always forgot to ask questions that need to be answered. The pleausre of eating shouldn't be to just satisfy your taste buds and fill your stomach up; it's about nourishing your body, while keeping the environment and certain ecosystems in mind. Do you plan on changing the way you eat, to not only better yourself, but also the world?

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