Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's just a thought of mind.

"I triple dog dare you to eat a worm!" Imagine eating an insect. Think of the texture and the sour taste of an insect. Most people wouldn't be able to do it. People would either start to throw up or just from the beginning reject to eat an insect. Would you be able to do it? I think anyone could, it all just depends on your mindset. For example, if you tell someone to eat a carne asada taco they would gladly accept. But what about a taco of cow tongue? Or of cow intestine? Now people would probably say no but me personally being mexican I love cow tongue. I eat it all the time. I just think that you have to be around people who accept that eating insects is fine and probably good for you. In one of the ted talks the speaker said that eventually insects will be considered fine to eat and people won't be disgusted by it. I totally agree with what he says because it all just depends on what people find normal, so if it seems normal people will feel that they have permission to do it without being looked at differently. Their is also that factor that is humans are running out of what to eat so just later in the future it will start to happen, you'll see insects on restaurant menus across the world and I am one hundred percent positive that their is already places in this world where insects are being eaten so you know what they say "you never know until you try it."


  1. Mind set is everything. I will never eat mushrooms just because I see those thing growing out of the ground almost all the time and just the thought of having that on my pizza (or anything for that matter) just disgusts me. Most of my friends are like "No, try it, it's good" but I already have my mind set on that one image. I think if I never knew what mushrooms actually were, I would be open to try it. But as it goes for insects, I don't know. I just hate how annoying they are and how filthy they get so the thought of eating a worm just kills me. Like Josh said, I'm afraid of being infected because our society doesn't normally eat insects so how would I know if it's safe or not?

  2. I am very picky when it comes to eating, so I know that I am the last person who would try to eat insects. Although I haven't tried many things most times I refuse to eat things just by the look or maybe just because it isn't normal. Based off of my experiences with food and the things that I refuse to try, I do believe that your mindset plays a huge part in the foods that you eat. If while we were growing up we were taught that eat different things like cow tongue and insects was normal more people would be open to it. Since that is not the case most people think that eating these things are just gross and it is something that they would never try. They will never know what it tastes like unless they try it but the are being stopped by the fear of how it might taste bad. I also think that if eating these different things were shown as normal, then more people will be open to it and in the end they might find out that it is not as bad as they thought it would be.


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