Monday, March 31, 2014

Disgusting school food.

They sell lunch at school? I honestly don't even remember the last time I actually entered my pin and gotten food and eaten at school. I usually just eat little snacks and wait until i get out of school. I rarely eat food at school, I just eat cereal at home and bring water for the day and wait till i get home and make sandwiches. Honestly the food at school just looks and tastes disgusting. I feel that inmates in prison have better food than students in school. The most grotesque meal to me at school would honestly be the pizza. I know a lot of students eat it but just how it is presented makes it looks so gross. It looks burnt, greasy and just plain disgusting. I don't get why soda and other foods were removed from school when it would probably be healthier than the food served right now. Because of the looks of the food being served; it doesn't seem like the school is doing a good job of serving healthy food. I've gotten so use to not eating at school because it looks so disgusting and that makes me wonder how healthy it is to eat; schools need new, better and just plain healthier food.


  1. I agree, it makes no sense how people say they're feeding us to health standards that makes no sense; is it standard to have a pizza that is burnt with grease puddled up in the center or salad that is soggy with a watered down excuse for dressing. if i were to eat that every day I'm positive that I would have either clogged up arteries or digestive problems by now.

  2. I also agree. Some of the things they do sell are healthier but for the most part the food isn't all that healthy. My friend eats lunch at school everyday and I see food items like pizza, and tater tots and other greasy foods. They try to balance it out with string cheese and yogurts and bananas, but maybe if they added more fruits and vegetables to the menu, it could be considered a more healthier lunch.

  3. You basically preached my life since 7th grade. I used to faithfully eat the food that they served us, until I actually looked down to see what was on my cardboard container. It's ridiculous what the California standards have set, and believe that what they serve us is actually "healthy food", but in reality it's completely mortifying. I believe that the schools should focus on feeding our children actually food that has health benefits. Replace the greasy pizza, for a lettuce wrapped turkey burger. Replace the tater tots, for a crisp green apple. These are simple things that are misunderstood in our generation. In order to have a healthier era, we need to focus on what they feed the kids at school, not on the outside.

  4. I've never been too impressed with school lunches because in elementary school i found plastic wrappings in my lunches and was glad i stopped eating them. Its sad to see that kids are eating basically the same thing they can get at McDonalds just during school and for less money.

  5. I feel the exact same way! Just looking at the school lunches makes me gag. The food looks gross and the contents of the meat that they serve are a mystery! In addition, the school offers nothing for people who are vegan, gluten, or soy free which is another big issue for me. I have to have my grandma bring me lunch everyday from my house in Ananheim so that I can actually eat because there is literally nothing for me at school. It's rather sad.

  6. You're correct! Our school always tells us to be healthy and watch what we eat. Yet they take out sodas and candy, why? Our food that is served in the cafeteria is just as gross and unhealthy! I feel as if the school district should reconsider what they feed us because it isn't appetizing or healthy.


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