Friday, March 14, 2014

Let's eat what we NEED, not want.

In Berry’s article, “The Pleasures of Eating,” he discusses various elements about eating that we may not be aware of.  In paragraph twelve, for example, he explains the seven steps to a new way of eating. Throughout his essay, he provides many reasons as to why eating healthy comes with discipline, responsibility, and commitment. Residing in a metropolitan area surrounded by fast food restaurants, it is easy to throw commitment and discipline out the window in the name of convenience. Eating with discipline means to know when enough is enough. Further, dedicating our bodies to eating healthy requires commitment, especially with so many options to tempt us.
The step I was most interested in is step five. Step five is to learn, in self-defense, as much as you can of the economy and technology of industrial food production. We volunteer our money and health when we choose to eat In-N-Out, Taco Bell, etc. Do we truly know what is added to the food that is not food? No. Together we should be making our food system, which is very vital to survival, more responsive to our needs and to our overall health. Step five must be integrated into our personal lives at home and practiced. To stop unhealthy meals from appearing when we ask "What's for dinner?", we need to carefully consider what's for dinner. 


  1. I totally agree with you that step five was very interesting. We willingly give our money away to fast food restaurants which basically gives them the power to stay in business. We don't truly know what is even in the food, which does make it even worse for our own bodies. I agree with you, we need to integrate step five, and most of the other ones Berry mentioned. We need to fight against unhealthy meals instead of allowing them to essentially run our whole government by making them the ultimate source of our own money.

  2. Thank you for agreeing and sharing your point of view with me, Christian. I've been trying to figure out ways we can fight against unhealthy meals, as tempting it is, and make better food choices in one effort. I've read your comment and saw that you believe that step five is interesting, but i question you and the rest of our classmates. I want to ask you guys what other steps felt reasonable or appealing to you all? Step five is one, but there are 6 other steps to read from! Let me know!


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