Monday, March 31, 2014

eating insects

I actually have eaten a worm before..granted it was because i saw the lion king when i was little and i thought it would be cool to eat like Timone and Pumba but my first thought was this doesn't really taste all that good, or that bad. eating insects is just like eating regular food if it broadcasts to you, you'll feel more likely that if the person on the Idiot box is doing it you could too... within some means.

1 comment:

  1. I am a little disgusted by the thought of eating a bug; It seems too slimy and creepy. I can barely see a spider without calling the closest males name to kill it, much less eat one. However, the TED talk we watched in class about eating insects was very interesting, because the man spoke about how we, as Americans, can eat a living breathing animal, but not a small insect. Yes, I agree, it doesn't make sense, but this is just what we are use to, so we could eventually become used to eating insects. But then that means that people like me have to get used to this foreign idea.


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