Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Convenient vs. Necessity

Most of the food topics that we discuss all revolve around the fact that majority of  local consumers are unaware of what's really going on. In Wendell Berry's "The Pleasure of Eating," Berry suggests that we buy what we want, but only within the limits of what we can get. This really caught my attention because it's so true. Lately I've been eating Chick-Fil-A about three day out of the week because it's on my way home, it's fulfilling, affordable and convenient. From what I know Chick-Fil-A uses real meat and is a better choice compared to other fast food places like McDonald's or Burger King. If I ever found out that Chick-Fil-A was processed I would throw a fit. I honestly would rather not know and continue to enjoy my chicken sandwich and large fries.

            I've always enjoyed eating, but whose responsibility is it to make sure that we eat healthy on a daily basis? In my opinion the fast food industries make it quite difficult to choose a healthy meal. We've become so immune to what we're actually eating on a daily basis that we fail to realize the importance of a healthy diet.  I would definitely choose a fruit salad over Chick-Fil-A any day but I never really have the time to go search for one at the grocery store. Do you think it's our own responsibility to eat healthy or do you think our surrounding food vendors could make it a bit easier on us by offering more healthy and affordable choices?


  1. I'm leaning towards both options you suggested. Yes it is our fault if we know what we're eating is bad, but then again it would also be helpful if more healthy food vendors made themselves easily accessible. Most people only eat at fast food restaurants because it is already prepared and it fills them up. If there were healthy fast food restaurants, with a drive thru, you would see that people would actually go. There are those who actually want to eat healthy but either can't afford it or it's not time convenient. There are individuals that will eat the processed food just because it is tasty; and that's when it becomes ones own responsibility to choose wisely what they consume. For myself, I would actually go to the healthy fast food stop. For one I know it's what is best for me, and another healthy food can be pretty tasty.

  2. I do think that it is our responsibility to eat healthy, but it is hard for us to do that with so many convincing and affordable alternatives. It would be great for the food vendors to make it easier for us by providing healthier foods that are also affordable, but sadly all the vendors care about is the profit they are making. I think if they advertised the healthy foods just as they advertise the unhealthy foods they would still make the same profit. There are many people who want to eat healthy but don't really have the opportunity to do so because healthy options aren't easily attainable. If more effort were to be put in they distributing of health foods things would be a lot easier.

  3. It is definitely our responsibility to eat more healthy, but it can be quite challenging in a place we live in today. People always try to go for the more healthy options, but are shot down because the high prices. So why not just go for the fast foods? I know in my case I would rather save a few bucks instead of saving a few pounds. I know in the long run, it's my fault. But if we the people made a better effort in knocking down the bad foods, we could have a healthier generation.

  4. It is our responsibility, but people and especially Americans have become far to lazy. I find myself eating fast food because I tell myself I don't have enough to to go cook my own food. I know for sure at least two nights out of the week I could cook my own food and stay away from fast food. I think if people got the lazy mentality out of their head then it would be easier to eat healthy.


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