Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Schools Should Provide Healthier Food

Out of most of the places in the world school is the most common place that talks about how important your health is. To support this claim they provide health classes that inform students about the healthy things they should eat. According to this “concern” that schools have about the health of students, most would assume that students are provided with a healthy meal every day. Sadly, that’s not the case. The meals we receive are far from healthy and hardly appetizing.

In the article, “No Lunch Left Behind,” Waters and Heron describe how the lunch program cost is billions of dollars, but only a small amount of this money goes towards the food. Most of the money is used for custodial services to heat the cafeteria. As a result of the small amount contributed to the food, the school is forced to buy cheap and unhealthy products that are frozen, processed, and high in fat. These products are thought of as healthier than fast food, but it is actually as unhealthy as fast food is. These foods hardly reach the nutritional standards.

After learning about how unhealthy the school food is, I am very disappointed. I do not understand how a school can promote good health, but not provide it. I believe that the schools can and should work harder to change menus that they have. I also think that they should use most of the money for food and less for the heating of the cafeteria. If schools are going telling students how important their health is and how they should start making healthy decisions, then it would be helpful if they provide healthy foods and it would be easier for the students to make an attempt to make healthy choices.

What do you think?


  1. I agree with this one hundred percent. That is actually one reason why I have only ate the cafeteria food once. The food is very unhealthy and on top of that it's disgusting. It's sad because "they", those in charge of the school lunch program, think by providing an apple or banana to go along with the processed food makes the whole meal healthy. Or maybe they don't even think it makes the meal healthy. They just do it so that you can't say they didn't provide something healthy. Schools, ours in particular, are actually trying to provide more healthy food. They did a three sixty change with the vending machines by no longer selling chips, candy, and soda. They replaced all these unhealthy foods with ones that contain less sodium and fat. Overall, the government needs to put more money into school's lunch program to provide better quality as well as healthy food for students that can't afford to bring in their own lunch.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Agreed! Cafeteria food is so unhealthy and unsustainable. I've visit the cafeteria everyday and I've seen the quality of the food. 100% disgusting. I once asked a lady, "Is there anything gluten-free?" and she replied with the most confused face ever. I wonder how the government expect us to provide children with a safe school along with safe food when the knowledge of its providers are weak. The workers in the cafeteria should be 100% aware of what they are preparing to give students everyday. Isn't it in a job description? We need those who are for changing our food system and not being naive about it. Agreed?

  4. I also agree. I would definitely eat cafeteria food if they provided things like appealing fruit cups, salads, and what not. And they don't make it any better by charging us $2.50 for snack AND lunch for some kids that's five dollars per day and $25.00 per week which in my opinion is ridiculous because the food isn't all that good to be so costly. Most people create their food habit while they're in school so do you think they would put a bit more effort into making sure we are making better habits? What's more important the price or our health?

  5. I feel as if the school just talks about eating healthy food but don't actually care. If the district actually cared about food nutrition and how healthy school lunches are then why can't more money be supplied so that the ingredients could be fresher and healthier? The district took stuff away and brought in baked chips to make things better. But are you serious? Baked chips? That's going to make kids super healthy? School lunches need a serious turn around.


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